Saturday, April 9, 2011


~atuk, kanan sekali

Sungguh aku nampak dia duduk bersila di situ

Mengajarkan alif ba ta

Sambil membetulkan letak duduk kaca mata

Bersandar lega

Sungguh aku nampak dia duduk di atas sofa itu

Menanyakan hafazanku bagaimana

Sambil mengukir senyuman ceria

Aku dipaut rindu

Sungguh aku nampak dia berteleku di situ

Meratib tasbih bermunajat pada Cinta

Sambil bumi berpusing mencari mentari

Menyubur iman di hati

Sungguh aku nampak dia bersarapan di situ

Mencicipi Horlicks sedikit-sedikit

Sambil menyatakan keinginan melihat aku bergelar doktor

Membakar api juang

Sungguh dia benar telah pergi

Melangkah ke dunia abadi

Sambil aku di sini menggagahkan diri

Bersipongang suaranya bertanyakan hafazan

Walau aku tahu tak mungkin ada lagi

Tak mungkin aku menulis lagi

Telah kabur mata, telah basah meja

Biar aku menjadi legasinya

Ba3da isya’

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Full timer!

my cousin~ nothing to do with the post

To or to not?

Did you ever in that shoes? Amal Abdel Halim just make a decision by the to-be-or-not-to-be thing. She decided to be a full timer. Well, this is how Does My Head Look Big in This? begin.

Full-timer? Whenever I heard the term full-timer, it’s somebody who gives his life totally to his organization. An activist, such as Full-timer at Aman Palestin, but when it comes to Amal, she was thrown into a piece-of-cloth-dilemma. Nope, not piece of cloth but a badge of faith dilemma. A full-timer, that’s how she named those who wear hijab all the time, I mean all the necessary time (because there is question whether she wore it in the shower?!). How it was very challenging for a teenager whose really exposed to the westernize teenager lifestyle to bring up her own faith into identity without being alienated, without she herself being hypocrite. She did face the crush-cute-guy thing and try to handle it in her 16 years old emotion and Islamic faith. The jealous-annoying-beauty school rivals who’s questioning whether she was circumcised or not. All these, for being a full-timer! Untill here, did you feel the air of this novel? I won’t continue…^^

Monday, April 4, 2011

Pre ENT end round

different world

Currently reading this book, reaching in the middle. Just bought at the AUC book fair. Have something to say and as usual I'm not a synopsis writer, so it will be opinions. But ... not now!

Wednesday will be ENT (ear, nose and throat~ otorhinolaryngology) end round exam. Do pray for me and my gen 7evens!

“There is no one giant step that does it. It’s a lot of little steps.”

– Peter A. Cohen (Most Inspiring quotes of all time)
Yang memiliki kerajaan langit dan bumi, tidak mempunyai anak, tidak ada sekutu bagiNya dalam kekuasaanNya dan Dia menciptakan segala sesuatu, lalu menetapkan ukuran-ukurannya dengan tepat ~Al-furqan:2
faqaddarahu taqdiro, He knows best! When, where and how...