Post double night, few procedures in OT, fine tea time, leisure walk and ziarah ke Foh Sang. Now it's raining. Everything seems fine.
There is nothing not to be grateful of. He is so Merciful. When you went astray, He'll lead you back to Him. Some people, few smile, coincidental songs and words just dropped at the right time.
Rearrange few things in my mind.
1. Read.
Focus back on my reading as what I did in those days. Real book. Rather than scrolling to some random words for few hours.
I just finished Paolo Coelho writing, The Valkyries. Lots to comments, but keep that later.
Currently finishing Asyraf Farique's and Syed Ahmad Israa's, Semalam Ada Pelangi #kopipress
2. Al-Hifz
Which I abandoned for almost two years. Indeed, ayamal quraan kanat jamilah!
This two things are the cascades for so many things in my life.
I just want to lead a better life. Meaningful life.
Allhumma amiin.
Still dreaming of owning a bookcafe. iAllah!
You can get #kopipress books from me!
Tomorrow end of anaes posting viva..Allhumajal kulluhu yasira